The Heide Main Galleries are currently in changeover.

The Heide Main Galleries are currently in changeover.
A reduced admission price of $13 applies during this period.
Our next major exhibition Blak In-Justice: Incarceration and Resilience opens 5 April

The North East Link Tunnel project may affect your journey to Heide. For more information visit the Big Build website when planning your journey.

From 12 February until late-March, the Eastern Freeway (M3) will have changed lane conditions between Burke Road and Bulleen Road exits. To exit to Heide at Bulleen Road, use the two left lanes. For more information read the Eastern Freeway Works Notice.


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Paul BostonStone Clouds

Paul Boston, Painting No. 14 2018, acrylic and charcoal on board, 150 x 150 cm, Courtesy the artist and Niagara Galleries, Melbourne

Stone Clouds is a select survey of works spanning Paul Boston’s career from the 1980s to today and unified by his long interest in using abstraction as a way of reflecting upon the interdependence of all things. Boston’s quiet, thoughtful paintings and drawings investigate space, light and materiality. Over time his visual language has slowly transitioned from a type of hieroglyphic vocabulary, through a minimal or reductive phase, to the more complex and layered illusionistic forms of recent times. Throughout he has remained faithful to the proposition that images can operate beyond logical thought and intended meaning.

Paul Boston was born in Melbourne in 1952 and completed his art studies in 1972. He worked as a gardener at Heide for three years, and his discussions with John Reed about art and ideas during that time offered a parallel education. He then travelled extensively through South-East Asia where he developed an interest in Zen philosophy, which is one of a host of subjects that inform his work. Boston lives and works in Melbourne and is represented by Niagara Galleries, with whom he has been exhibiting since 1993.

9 September 2023 – 11 February 2024
Heide Modern

Included with museum admission

Lesley Harding