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Jaedon ShinDouble Moon

Jaedon Shin, Double Moon 2021, acrylic on linen, © the artist

Jaedon Shin’s paintings vibrate with colour, memory and imagination. Through the creation of dream-like worlds, the artist contemplates inter and transcultural experiences, interrogating his dual identity as a Korean and an Australian. Enduring impressions of his upbringing in Korea—a divided nation, where each side of the country lives in apprehension, fear and longing for the other—are conflated with reflections on the migrant experience. Shin’s highly personal narratives explore feelings of displacement and alienation and reveal a universal desire for human connection, identity and a sense of belonging.

11 June – 6 November 2022
Kerry Gardner & Andrew Myer Project Gallery

Included with museum admission

Eliza Jung (guest curator)


Meet Jaedon Shin and learn more about his history and practice

Jaedon Shin: Double Moon installation view, photograph: Christian Capurro

Jaedon Shin: Double Moon installation view, photograph: Christian Capurro

Jaedon Shin: Double Moon installation view, photograph: Christian Capurro

Jaedon Shin: Double Moon installation view, photograph: Christian Capurro

Jaedon Shin: Double Moon installation view, photograph: Christian Capurro

Jaedon Shin: Double Moon installation view, photograph: Christian Capurro

Jaedon Shin: Double Moon installation view, photograph: Christian Capurro

Jaedon Shin: Double Moon installation view, photograph: Christian Capurro


Supported by

This exhibition is supported by the Commonwealth through the Australia-Korea Foundation, which is part of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

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